Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tag! You're it!

This was an e-mail I got that you are supposed to forward on. I thought it was a fun way to think back on how much our lives have changed, so I decided to copy it here too. Thanks to all my family and friends for a great 30 years!! 

I was tagged for this so here goes! The rules of this tag are to share where I was 20, 10, 5, 3, 1 year ago and where I am today, tomorrow, and next year... :


20 years ago...
 I was living with my parents, brothers and dog Muffin at our house on Pinebrook Street. I was 10 years old and in Mr. Smith’s 5th grade class at Templeton Elementary. I remember playing Dodgeball in PE and singing in our class program “How the West Was Really Won”. My best friend was Julie Pasteris who lived down the street. We would play Barbies and have sleep overs. We would dress up my little brothers Brian & Matt and her little sister Karri and play house! I LOVED her tire swing in her back yard. She also had a great tree for climbing and we would play tree house on that all the time!


10 years ago...

I was 20 and a Junior at Western Oregon University. I was living in the Bramblewood Apartments on Stephanie St in Monmouth with my best friend Rachael. I had just got my first car, a green Jetta in July! I was applying to the Education Program for my Senior Year. On Friday Nights I would drive up to Tigard to watch my brother Brian play football at Tigard High School. My mom had survived Leukemia and a bone marrow transplant. She had been cancer free for 4 years. I had all four of my grandparents still living and big parts of my life. Little did I know that by the end of my Junior year, my Grandma Char would be gone and over the next 4 years I would lose the other 3. 


5 years ago...

25 years old! I was starting my 4th year teaching two sessions of half-day Kindergarten at Metzger Elementary School. I loved teaching and my kiddos! Matt (my future husband) and I had been dating for almost a year. I had just bought my first home, a townhouse, in May. My parents were finally empty nesters. Both of my brothers were in college and out of the house!


3 years ago...

 Matt and I were newlyweds, only married for 3 months! We had a beautiful wedding and fabulous honeymoon in Hawaii. We were settling into my townhouse and learning to live together as a family. We made a trip to Houston that year to see a Texas A&M football game. We bought a plasma TV and turned the basement into Matt’s Aggie Room and the TV room! We were talking about getting a puppy.


1 year ago...

We had been in our new house on Greening Ln for 7 months. Our beagle puppy Cassie wasn’t a puppy anymore! She was a year and a half. I was busy teaching Full Day Kindergarten for the second year, and going to OSU football games on Saturdays! Matt and I had been trying to start a family for 8 months and I was frustrated that it was not happening very quickly. Little did I know that on December 1st (The day we saw OSU beat UofO in Eugene at the Civil War) I would get my positive pregnancy test! Our family was going to get bigger!



 30 years old! I am the mom of a 2 ½ month old! Molly Charlotte Hughart was born August 14th. I am taking the year  off from teaching to stay home with Molly, and my days a different kind of busy! I miss teaching and all my friends at Metzger, but I love my time with our little Molly Mol! My brother Matt got married in September and he and his wife Lauren live in Roseville, CA. My brother Brian is getting married in January. My parents still live in the house on Pinebrook, although it has been remodeled quite a bit! I love their hot tub! Our family has changed so much!!



Molly will wake up to eat around 3AM. Matt will change her diaper and give her to me. I will feed her and rock her back to sleep, and then try to get a little more sleep of my own. Matt will leave for work around 6AM. I will get up around 6:30 to shower… trying to get it in before Molly wakes up! She will start to stir around 7:30 and I will feed her, give her a bath and get her dressed. We might go for a morning walk around the neighborhood if it is nice! We will play on her jungle mat and she will smile at Mama! Grandma Jan will probably come over at some point, maybe we’ll go get lunch. In the afternoon, I’ll try to put Molly in her crib for a nap. The chances are 50/50!! She might fall asleep on me on the couch instead! I’ll start making dinner at 5:30, putting Molly in the swing. She might be content and let me work, or she might not!! Matt gets home at 6:30ish and we start the evening routine: dinner, a little playing with Molly, a walk for Cassie, maybe some TV. I get Molly ready for bed, Matt gives her a bottle while I pump. Everyone goes to sleep and we start over again tomorrow!


Next year...

Hopefully we’ll be getting more sleep! I’ll be back to work at Metzger with a new group of Kindergartners. Molly will be a year old! Maybe she’ll be walking and talking!! ;-) We’ll be going to more OSU football games and enjoying the fall. Maybe we’ll have trips planned to visit family in Texas, Minnesota, Colorado, Idaho and California! Or maybe a trip to Hawaii!! ;-) Life will be different, but the same! Wow, time sure does fly!

Now it is your turn!! Share where you were 20, 10, 5, 3, 1 years ago and where you are today, tomorrow, and next year. Send it back to me and others you want to tag!!!

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