Sunday, October 12, 2008

Go Beavs!!

Yesterday we wet to the OSU-WSU game! We decided since the weather was supposed to be nice (sunny & 65) and it was an afternoon game, it would be the perfect game to take Molly to for her first football experience. She did pretty well. It was a little too sunny, so we had a blanket over her most of the game! At halftime, I changed her on the floor of the aisle on some blankets & sweatshirts. She LOVED being down there!! She stayed there kicking & smiling for most of halftime!! After halftime, the sun and noise got to be a little too much for her so we went down to the concession areas and walked around for awhile. She went right to sleep and slept the rest of the game! The Beavs played great and won easily (poor WSU!) so it was a winning day all around! It was a great first football game for Molly! Here are some pictures:

Mama & Molly ready for some Beaver Football!!

Kicking in the aisle during halftime!!

The whole family of Beaver Believers!! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. These are great pictures of all of you! Molly looks so cute with the little white bow in her hair! We miss her!
