I was tagged for this so here goes! The rules of this tag are to share where I was 20, 10, 5, 3, 1 year ago and where I am today, tomorrow, and next year... :
20 years ago...
I was living with my parents, brothers and dog Muffin at our house on Pinebrook Street. I was 10 years old and in Mr. Smith’s 5th grade class at Templeton Elementary. I remember playing Dodgeball in PE and singing in our class program “How the West Was Really Won”. My best friend was Julie Pasteris who lived down the street. We would play Barbies and have sleep overs. We would dress up my little brothers Brian & Matt and her little sister Karri and play house! I LOVED her tire swing in her back yard. She also had a great tree for climbing and we would play tree house on that all the time!