Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sorry I am slow!!

I was slow to post our Christmas photos & videos. I posted a few below on their original dates, so make sure you scroll down to see them all if you haven't visited in awhile!! Sorry!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Surprise Snow!!

Well, when the weathermen DON'T predict it, that's when it comes!! I went into Molly's room to put her down for a nap and when I came out 10 minutes later, the ground was white!! It snowed all through Molly's nap and boy, did she wake up to a surprise! She had a great time playing in the snow for the first time. We ventured over to Grandma Jan's house (Matt was stuck in terrible Portland traffic for HOURS. He finally had to ride the Max and the WES train to get to Tigard.) Here are some pictures and a video from our beautiful day. It is supposed to all melt tonight, but it was fun while it lasted!!

[caption id="attachment_713" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="What is this stuff??!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_715" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="I guess it is fun!!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_717" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="What a fun day!! More on Picasa, click on this photo!!"][/caption]

Monday, December 28, 2009

Molly & Marimbas!!

While Ivan, a Rwandan student, was visiting my parents, we attended a practice by Kukuva, a marimba band that the principal of my school belongs to. Molly loved the music!! When the band stopped playing, Molly would sign "more" and say "Please, please!" She danced and sang along. They kindly let her play along with them and she had a blast!! Our little musician!! Here is Kukuva's website if you are interested: They are fantastic!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Molly's Christmas!

Molly had such a wonderful Christmas!! Here are some photos & a little video to tell the story. A lot of the photo credits go to my brother Matt. Thanks Uncle Matt!

[caption id="attachment_729" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Dancing with Snoopy on Christmas Eve."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_730" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Why isn't anyone else dancing??"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_731" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Running to see what Santa brought!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_732" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Wow!! A GloDoodle!!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_734" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="I love it already!!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_735" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="I love Christmas!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_736" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Who needs toys when you have wrapping paper?!! Click on this one for more photos on Picasa!"][/caption]

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!! One more Elf dance!!

[gigya width="425" height="319" src="" quality="high" flashvars="external_make_id=d9t8MsqTqcYtpK3u&" wmode="transparent" ]
Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Do you Believe?

I heard from a couple of friends about the Polar Express train in Hood River. It sounded like a fun Christmas activity. I know Molly is kind of young for it this year, but I figured all the adults would have fun too. So yesterday Grammy, Grandpa, Grandma, Molly, Matt & I made our way to Hood River to ride the Polar Express!

Molly had a great time on her very first train ride. She also loved the hot chocolate & cookies! She was not too impressed with Santa though! Santa gave Molly a bell, which she loved to shake. We sang Christmas carols & read the book the Polar Express.  All in all it was a fun activity and I know Molly will love it even more in the future.

[caption id="attachment_721" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="All Aboard the Polar Express!!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_722" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot Chocolate!!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_724" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Fun with Grandma!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_725" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Checking out the bells Santa gave her."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_726" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Daddy's little girl!! More on Picasa: click on this photo!"][/caption]

Happy Christmas Eve! Those silly elves again!!

[gigya width="425" height="319" src="" quality="high" flashvars="external_make_id=akLgmU88sGvlHcJ1&" wmode="transparent" ]
Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Monday, December 21, 2009

Elf Yourself!!

[gigya width="425" height="319" src="" quality="high" flashvars="external_make_id=YdK4vlIHqUi3JP6z&" wmode="transparent" ]

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

December has been a busy month!! Having a 16 month old at Christmastime has been such fun. Molly LOVES Christmas lights & Christmas trees, Christmas music & Christmas cookies!! She "shows" us the Christmas lights out front and our Christmas tree several times a night. The only thing she wasn't a big fan of was Santa..... She would NOT sit on his lap! She did want to give him a high five though!! Here are some recent photos of our December adventures so far. More to come!!

[caption id="attachment_668" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Zoo lights!!!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_669" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="More Zoo lights!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_670" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="In front of our Christmas tree"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_671" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Not a fan of Santa..."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_672" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Maybe a high five, though!!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_673" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Maybe I'll stand by Santa, but i WON'T smile."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_674" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="One more high five though!!"][/caption]